
At the Sorolla

Joaquín Sorolla, Mis hijos (1904). Oil on canvas. At the Museo Sorolla in Madrid.
It is one thing
to study his work
closely, trying
to hear the music

of his Muse
who animated
the artist’s use
of color shaded

and thickly spread
in joyful strokes
where one can read
his living speech.
It’s another
thing altogether
to watch my mother
and grandfather

listening for
the selfsame Muse
from whom their
painting took its cues:

the name Sorolla
ringing in their ears
(or so I gather)
through the many years

they’d trained the eye
and hand to trace
the play of light
across a canvas.

If this is how
the artist learns
to plant and grow
the seeds of truth,

then I shall take
my pen once more
and write, like
the painters before

I learned their craft,
to trace where shade
and color soft create
the truth of our shared trade.


  1. Re-entry – Re-entry Avatar
    Re-entry – Re-entry

    […] tothe rhythm of the creative life."III. This adviceI now recognize as the wisdom of a muse,of the spirit my grandparents spent their long dayschasing in the visions of another, paintingfar away. This […]


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